The Eyewitness™ is a complete loss documentation kit that contains virtually everything a driver needs in the event of an accident or other loss. The components of the kit, Accident Procedure card, pencil, Accident Information Sheet, Law Enforcement ID Card, Alcohol/Drug Testing Requirement Card, Cargo Damage Card, Witness Card, Release of Negligence Card, Passing Motorist Request for Emergency Report, Identification Card for Safety Representative and a 27-shot disposable camera with flash, are housed in a tightly capped, brightly colored, 8-inch or 6-inch hard plastic cylinder that can be mounted in a highly visible and easily accessible location in the driver’s area of virtually any truck, van, bus, or automobile. Unlike other kits that are hidden in glove compartments and other storage areas, The Eyewitness™ becomes a standard part of your safety equipment, as familiar and accessible as a fire extinguisher.
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