our history
LDK Products, Inc., based in Rockville, VA., is pleased to offer low-cost loss documentation, safety and spill response products.
Our documentation products are designed by experienced professional insurance claims handlers who have investigated numerous claims made against truckers and trucking companies involving cargo damage as well as vehicular accidents and hazardous material spills. It is through these experiences and our direct involvement with safety managers, risk managers and fleet managers, throughout the transportation and insurance industries, that our line of documentation products have evolved.
LDK Products, Inc., was founded in 1995 by J.H. Clark, an insurance claims professional with over 30 years of experience. He saw a need for a customized Accident Documentation Kit that could meet the constantly changing needs of the transportation industry.
It was this vision that developed the EyeWitness™ kit. In 2005, through request from clients, LDK developed a Spill Containment Reservoir that did not require a person to support it during filling. This meant that the driver or user would not have to be exposed to the hazardous material being contained in the reservoir.
Since that day LDK Products, continues to develop and locate new products to protect employees and employers as well as meeting corporate “Green Initiatives”. Presently, LDK is meeting our customer’s needs through distribution agreements on product lines such as PeatSorb, UltraTech, Bio-Wipes and SpillTech.
Recently we developed through a partnership with a local firefighter and inventor the LadderBoat. This product is designed to assist in the water rescue of victims without the need for exposure of the rescue personnel to peril.
Here at LDK Products, Inc., we promise to continue to develop and research new products that will benefit our customers and their employees ensuring a safer work place and environment.

J.H. Clark
LDK Products, Inc., was founded in 1995 by J.H. Clark, an insurance claims professional with over 30 years of experience. He saw a need for a customized Accident Documentation Kit that could meet the constantly changing needs of the transportation industry.